Our life is like ship some waves rise it up and some other
gets it down and you have to take good control of your ship
even when it's broken and the storm wouldn't let you see the
smallest sun ray you have to survive.
You were born hopeful you did stand and fall crying
hundreds of times,you got over it till you became able to
If you failed in something or with someone doesn't mean
that you give up and lose everything, in fact you'll learn one
of the life rules today or later whenever your mind is clear.
A good book has the power to change you , sometimes we
feel like we want to escape from our world to another,
reading will take you to other people's world pick a nice
book and Try to read a little bit every day it'll help you get a
better mood and stability ,rich your language, help you
communicate better and have a more self confidence.
Stop listening to people just listen to your Heart and see the
beauty inside of you my flower it's bigger than any body can
Start slowly charging your behaviour to your self , people
and life, Define who you want to be and put a plan of your
goal start getting education and skills that you must have to
accomplish your goal and it's never too late,dont think of the
cost just start and your goal will come closer every day and
don't get discouraged no matter how hard the obstacles are.
Don't be afraid of talking to people they are just like you ,
and not superior.
Wear beautiful clothes and do your hair , smile or fake a
smile at the mirror or take a selfi and see how beautiful you
are smiling this has a good effect on your brain. break
routine and start changing things, positions in your house.
Get out of the house, walk in the street or the forest and
breath fresh air look at places and people look for
inspiration of who you want to be.
Start writing your diary and set a time to read it every ten or
fifteen days to define the mistakes and the rong elements
and habits and change them comfortably and witness the
success and improvements and enjoy them no matter how
small they are.
My flower if you have a question or a book name or
anything you wish to tell me just leave it in the comments
below and I'll be more than happy to hear from you.
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