How to grow your hair longer and faster? They say hair equals half the beauty of the women , long hair makes you feel like sinderella what to do to achieve that , we'll I tried a lot of disappointing recipes , but I didn't give up till I found this wonderful recipes that is tested and agreed on .
First recipe:
ingredients: 1pepper ،4 big cloves of garlic and a cup of
olive oil.
☆First cut the pepper into squares and then smash the
garlic, put everything in a jar and add olive oil , then let it
sit in a dark place for two weeks.
How to use it :
When you want to wash your hair ,Put a good amount of
this oil in your scalp and hair and massage it jently , cover
it with a plastic bag and leave it for two hours at the most
and then Wash your hair, using it twice weekly for three
months will get you wonderful results and that by
experience of many wemen .
Second recipe:
Ingredients: a medium onion ,1 tablespoon of tea.
☆extract the juice from the onion (use a blender ) , add 3
tablespoons of boiling water over one teaspoon of green
tea, then filter the mixture and add the tea water to the
onion water Mix then pour the mixture in a spray
bottle.How to use it:Apply the mixture on your hair cover
with a plastic bag , leave it for an hour and wash can use it twice a week
Recipe three:
Ingredients: 2 table spoons of coconut oil 2 table spoons
of olive oil , 1 table spoon of honey and one egg.
☆mix the oils , the honey and the egg in a bowl.
How to use it:
apply on your hair and leave for 1hour covered with plastic bag., you can use it twice a week.