Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Tested recipes to grow your hair longer

How to grow your hair longer and faster? They say hair equals half the beauty of the women , long hair makes you feel like sinderella what to do to achieve that , we'll I tried a lot of disappointing recipes , but I didn't give up till I found this wonderful recipes that is tested and agreed on .

First recipe:

ingredients: 1pepper ،4 big cloves of garlic and a cup of

olive oil.                                                                                        

☆First cut the pepper into squares and then smash the 

garlic, put everything in a jar and add olive oil , then let it 

sit in a dark place for two weeks.

How to use it :

When you want to wash your hair ,Put a good amount of

this oil in your scalp and hair and massage it jently , cover

it with a plastic bag and leave it for two hours at the most

and then Wash your hair, using it twice weekly for three

months will get you wonderful results and that by

experience of many wemen .

Second recipe:

Ingredients: a medium onion ,1 tablespoon of tea.

☆extract the juice from the onion (use a blender ) , add 3

tablespoons of boiling water over one teaspoon of green

tea, then filter the mixture and add the tea water to the

onion water Mix then pour the mixture in a spray

bottle.How to use it:Apply the mixture on your hair cover

with a plastic bag , leave it for an hour and wash

normal.you can use it twice a week

Recipe three:

Ingredients: 2 table spoons of coconut oil 2 table spoons

of olive oil , 1 table spoon of honey and one egg.

☆mix the oils , the honey and the egg in a bowl.      


 How to use it:

 apply on your hair and leave for 1hour covered with plastic bag., you can use it twice a week.


Sunday, December 25, 2016

A letter to every desperate woman

Our life is like ship some waves rise it up and some other 

gets it down and you have to take good control of your ship 

even when it's broken and the storm wouldn't let you see the


smallest sun ray you have to survive.  

You were born hopeful you did stand and fall crying 

hundreds of times,you got over it till you became able to 


                                                                                                                         If you failed in something or with someone doesn't mean 

that you give up and lose everything, in fact you'll learn one 

of the life rules today or later whenever your mind is clear.   


A good book has the power to change you , sometimes we 

feel like we want to escape from our world to another, 

reading will take you to other people's world pick a nice 

book and Try to read a little bit every day it'll help you get a 

better mood and stability ,rich your language, help you 

communicate better and have a more self confidence.

Stop listening to people just listen to your Heart and see the 

beauty inside of you my flower it's bigger than any body can 


Start slowly charging your behaviour to your self , people

 and life, Define who you want to be and put a plan of your 

goal start getting education and skills that you must have to 

accomplish your goal and it's never too late,dont think of the 

cost just start and your goal will come closer every day and 

don't get discouraged no matter how hard the obstacles are.

Don't be afraid of talking to people they are just like you , 

and not superior.

Wear beautiful clothes and do your hair , smile or fake a 

smile at the mirror or take a selfi and see how beautiful you 

are smiling this has a good effect on your brain.   break 

routine and start changing things, positions in your house.

Get out of the house, walk in the street or the forest  and 

breath fresh air look at places and people look for 

inspiration of who you want to be.

Start writing your diary and set a time to read it every ten or 

fifteen days to define the mistakes and the rong elements 

and habits and change them comfortably and witness the 

success and improvements and enjoy them no matter how 

small they are.

My flower if you have a question or a book name or 

anything you wish to tell me just leave it in the comments 

below and I'll be more than happy to hear from you. 

21 days plan to look 10 years younger

Show your inner youth on your face with tested natural recipes and get extraordinary improvement in just 21 day

 Recipe 01:


2 table spoons of linum seed powder, 1 table spoon of yogurt, 3 table spoons of milk.

♥mix everything in a bowl , apply on your face and leave it for 20 minutes, wipe with rose water,use it twice a week .

Recipe02 :(Remove undereye puffiness)


1tea spoon of Pink clay ,2 table spoons of chamomile water.

♥mix in a bowl and apply for 20 minutes.

Recipe 03:


 1 table spoon of Wight or pink clay , 2 table spoons of yogurt.

♥mix the two ingredients , apply on your face for 20 minutes.

Recipe04 :

Ingredients : 

1 table spoon of bitter almond oil, 1 table spoon of avocado oil.

♥mix the two ingredients apply every night , massage it up words .



1 egg , 1 table spoon of pink clay .

♥mix everything , apply for 15 minutes , wash with soap and warm water then cold water , use  every 2 days.

Recipe 06:


2  spoons of mushed Pumpkin ,1 table spoon of honey,1table spoon of yogurt.

♥mix everything and apply for 30 to 60 minutes.

Recipe 07 :


Sperm whale oil.

♥ apply and sleep with it.

Recipe 08 :

Wrap your forehead  with a band after you apply a moisturiser with drops of menth oil sleep  with it every night .

Tips and tricks: 

Drink 2 liters of water a day, and add natural juices to your diet.
Eat organic vegetables and fruits.
Wash your face with cold water only.
Moisturise your skin.
Don't forget your sunscreen.
Smile and avoid moving your face while talking.
Youth comes from your soul so Stop thinking just live.

♡I wish you my lovely ladies a youthful life, and  if you wish to tell me something leave it in the description box.♡


Thursday, December 22, 2016

How to get silky smooth hair

If you're looking for a soft and silky smooth hair this recipe will get what you are hoping for , it is tested and known of their wonderful results, and you'll surely love your hair more after it
We women love our hair to be silky

First recipe:


Two egg yolks ,1 table spoon of apple vinegar ,1 tea spoon of honey,2 table spoons of sesame oil,1 table spoon of  watercress leaves
♥put everything in a blender , apply and leave it for 2 hours.

Second recipe :
A 3/4 cup of corn flower ,3/4 cup of coconut milk , 2 table spoon of coconut oil, 3 table spoons of water .
♥Mix every thing and put on low heat and keep mixing till it gets creamy, remove from heat  , let it cool and apply on wet hair cover with plastic bag and keep for two hours.

Third recipe:
Cup of olive oil, 3 banana peels,half a litre of water .
♥ boil it till gets sticky and apply on your hair for 3 hours.

Tips and tricks :
Apply the aloe Vera je before straining or curling your hair for silky hair.
Massage your scalp before bed to increase blood circulation and nutrition transport.
Use shampoo onces or twice a week to avoid dryness.
Drink water and eat fruits and vegetables on daily basis.
Let your hair dry naturally , and avoid the  hairdryer.
Use wooden comb  instead of plastic.
Cover your hair from the sun and use hydration creams .
Use home remedies for healthy hair every week.
Avoid stress and practice yoga.
Have a balanced life style and don't forget your self.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

How to get pearly Wight skin

Your beauty won't shine unless your real skin tone is glowing , with these tested recipes consider the problem solved

First recipe: 


-1 egg white,1/2 à lamon , 1 tea spoon of ginger.

♥Mix every thing in a bowl and apply over your skin ,leave the mask for 30 minute of relaxation, use it in the morning and at night for best results.

Second recipe:


- Half a banana, 1 table spoon of orange juice.

♥mash the half of banana , mix it with the orange juice,  Put a warm towl in clean face, massage the mask on your face, and leave for two hours, use for 3 months.

Therd recipe:


-2 table spoons of Corn flower, juice of half a lemon, 3 table spoon of warm water, 3 table spoon of sugar,2 table spoons of rose water, 1 table spoon of milk powder.

♥Mix the warm water with rose water and sugar , on  low fire put the sugary lotion with milk  powder and corn flower and mix for 2 minutes remove from fire and add lemon juice, use every night.

Forth recipe:


-3 table spoons of yogurt, half of a cucumber

♥ in a bleder put the yogurt with the cucumber, apply on your face and leave it for 20 minutes ,use it 3 times a week.

Cucumber for skin:

Reduce dark circles
Reduce puffy eyes
Rejuvenate the skin
Fade wrinkles
Treat sunburn
Tighten large pores
Banish cellulite
Whiten the skin

Ginger for beautiful skin: 

anti blemishes
treats burns and scars
anti aging
treats acne

Yogurt for beautiful skin :

Reduce wrinkles
Moisturise the skin
Whiten the skin
Smaller skin pores

Lemon juice for beautiful skin:

Black head treatment
Shine reducer
Skin brightener

♥For any question beauties leave it in the description box♥